October 24, 2013
City of Sydney exposing Homeless & Public to needless health risks
The City also forcibly removes tents being used by our Homeless Community to Shelter forcing people to sleep in less healthy conditions exposed to inclement weather.
Street washers, using high powered truck mounted mobile gernis fail to deploy any safety equipment. We have seen members of the public knocked over and sprayed with water as this process is being effected.
The Current Clover Moore Council has lost its lustre in its quest to appease the Citys Elites and Corporate occupants.
We call for an immediate review of all health and safety procedures within Council by an Independent Assessor.
October 20, 2013
July 11, 2013
City of Sydney War on Homeless : Fourth Attack on Sydneys only 24/7 Homeless Support Service.
Today City of Sydney with heavy armed police support stole the resources Occupy Sydney supporters had put in place to feed and keep Sydneys Homeless Community warm and fed especially on cold winter nights.
Occupy Sydney are responding by reestablishing this vital Homeless Community Service as quickly as possible. Will definitely be back up and running tonight.
Blankets Food and 20l plus pots are now our priority. Especially sauces fresh veg meat suitable for soup.
We will not allow Corporate serving Councillor Christine Forster or Mayor Clover Moore the luxury of burying the collateral damage from the Corporate mischiefs they endorse to be buried anonymously out of Sydney City.
Rebuilding is already underway.
Call 0410722000 urgently if you can help with blankets food and resources or just bring to the corner of Martin Place and Elizabeth St. Occupiers and Homeless community rallying there.
April 23, 2013
FREE FOOD for Under-Paid Centrelink Claimants
Since January 1st our Sydney Homeless sites have noticed a marked increase in the numbers of
- Destitute single parents forced into homelessness by callous Federal Government cost cutting measures. Each of these single parents has stated that they have been forced out of their homes due to reductions in income when forcibly transferred from single parenting pensions to the unsustainable Newstart.
- Many Single Newstart Claimants are simply unable to afford the combined cost of Housing Utilities and Food in Sydney. Yet under Newstart parameters if they move where they can afford to live (but there are no jobs) they will have their payments cut.
- While Government at Federal State and Council levels work to disenfranchise and disempower the family as the basic building block of society Sydney Homeless and alliance partners will continue to work to keep families as the basic building block of society.
- A spokesperson for Single Parents is available this week and weekend at Occupy Sydney.
April 18, 2013
Sedonas Sleepout 4 the Homeless
Im holding a Onesie Sleepout for the Homeless on the 25th of May in Kibble Park, Gosford, to raise money to buy swags for the homeless to protect them from the cold and harsh winter.
To join us you will need a sponsor (or u can sponsor urself) and a registration form which will be available soon, and a Onesie (all in one jumpsuit) but dont be too worried if u dont have one.
Im 12 and I care enough to give up my bed for the night, will you?? Some amazing entertainment will be provided to keep us occupied through out the night., confirmed so far..Gambirra & Co, Novakayn (unplugged), Kiam Robertson
This page is monitored by 4 caring grown ups at different times, who just want to help me help the homeless. Some posts are from them, but not all of them! So Im not talking to myself when you see many posts by me in one status xx
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