The homeless camp was on private property on the recently vacated Westpac site which has been a homeless resource site since 1991.
Council workers stated that they had been ordered to remove the property by Mick Fish, a long standing City of Sydney council worker who masquerades as a homelessness worker-but a central figure in the theft of homeless peoples property by council over many years.

The State government and City of Sydney fail to manage the problem of homelessness with a "zero problem end game" as the target. Part of the desire by State government to forcibly amalgamate councils is to grab Botany-in-the-flightpath as the "affordable housing zone."
None of the NGO's Charities or Federal government agencies have a concrete plan to end homelessness-because they need homeless people as tokens to collect money for themselves with.
Meanwhile Lizzie Chris and the Martin Place campers will come back tonight to their property gone...stolen by a heartless City of Sydney