October 27, 2016
June 17, 2016
November 20, 2015
City of Sydney steal Homeless Camp gear from private property on Martin Place

The homeless camp was on private property on the recently vacated Westpac site which has been a homeless resource site since 1991.
Council workers stated that they had been ordered to remove the property by Mick Fish, a long standing City of Sydney council worker who masquerades as a homelessness worker-but a central figure in the theft of homeless peoples property by council over many years.

The State government and City of Sydney fail to manage the problem of homelessness with a "zero problem end game" as the target. Part of the desire by State government to forcibly amalgamate councils is to grab Botany-in-the-flightpath as the "affordable housing zone."
None of the NGO's Charities or Federal government agencies have a concrete plan to end homelessness-because they need homeless people as tokens to collect money for themselves with.
Meanwhile Lizzie Chris and the Martin Place campers will come back tonight to their property gone...stolen by a heartless City of Sydney
January 24, 2015
Sydney Homeless Day Out Friday March 20th @ Town Hall Square
The Sydney Homeless Activist Community join Occupy Sydney and Anonymous in supporting building and endorsing the Sydney Homeless Day Out.
Sydney Homeless Day Out is a crowd sourced event which will at once be an opportunity for the Homeless and ex homeless communities to get together with free food clothing and resources while having a good time.
Donations of Food Meat Drinks and Resources are most welcome.
Musicians Comedy Acts and Speakers wishing to address the issues of homelessness with a focus on ending it are asked to contact sydneyhomeless@gmail.com
But there's more.
The Sydney Homeless Team are arranging an Ultimo Storage Facility for blankets and sleeping bags and a roster to make these available to homeless people 24 hours seven days a week.The Blanket Patrol Network project will be launched and available from the day of the event forward.
Blanket Patrol Network are organising now. Please email sydneyhomeless@gmail.com to become involved.
We're working on a #Blankets4Homeless team which will provide Sydney's #Homeless community with blankets /sleeping bags 24/7 can you help?
— Sydney Unsheltered (@SydneyHomeless) January 23, 2015
To join theres a Facebook Group Here
January 14, 2015
2015: The Year of Ending Homelessness
- measure it to know what you're dealing with.
- ask "what does a solution look like?" It should include ending the problem.
- identify the method resources and timeline to arrive at that zero problem solution. This would include benchmarks along the timeline showing a progressive reduction of the problem- and cost.

Consider the problems.
For homeless people the problem is lack of access to affordable housing.
For the taxpayer there is the huge amount of public funding of a decades long round robin of failed expensive offshore modelled programs run by the same organisations and government departments which ran the last failures.
For society the problem is a rising tide of spiralling housing costs coupled to a heavily regulated income regime which sees more people daily sink beneath the plimsoll line into homelessness.
The problem for NGOs, Government departments bureaucrats and politicians is that the Homelessness "problem" might be solved-and with that their reason to exist might just evaporate along with their revenue streams jobs and power base -and THAT is a very big problem for those hapless homeless ,taxpayers and concerned members of society.
Or put another way, perhaps homelessness is a revenue and power solution for the Poverty sector?
There IS a solution to homelessness. Some societal settings need to be checked and reset.
- Sufficient housing already exists for all. It is inaccessible to those who need it by virtue of price and definition. Sydney Homeless and Occupy Sydney's Occupy4Homeless unit call for immediate legislation requisitioning 1 unit or room per 50 available in every hotel motel or Serviced apartment complex AND every Meriton style complex to be given over to housing homeless people.
- Sydney Homeless and Occupy4Homeless call on the accommodation service providers mentioned at 1/ to voluntarily donate 1 room per complex to the Occupy4Homeless Housing Project ( contact sydneyhomeless@gmail.com ). Your donation will be deductibe.
- Mobile Social Housing: Sydney Homeless and Occupy4Homeless call for an immediate evaluation by government community minded groups and businesses of the opportunity to provide mobile homes as social housing units to itinerant workers and pensioners as a cost effective alternative to conventional social housing-preferably on a lease-to-buy arrangement. They do not have to be new units. Occupy4Homeless is evolving a discussion to this end. Please join via the email above.
- Occupy Sydney call for a Local Minimum wage for each Local body area-based on actual local cost-of-living affordability. The lowest paid in society should not have to travel hours each way to the economic bantustans while the privileged few-or those living on credit cards-afford to live in Sydney-or other expensive metropolitan hubs.
- Sydney Homeless call for Councils Australia wide to be responsible for ensuring that affordable accommodation is available in the localities where people need to live. Using the development application process to achieve this affordable housing balance should see sufficient affordable housing everywhere in Australia within fifteen years.
If you join us in believing this is a desirable objective and achievable then help us make it reality and homelessness history by the end of 2015 ( email sydneyhomeless@gmail.com )
Of course willing legislators could expedite all of this immediately but at what cost in lost bureaucratic opportunity and ministerial power?
December 20, 2014
Messiah Festival moved to Belmore Park

Please tell any homeless people you see in Sydney today
In an act of pure bastardry N.S.W. Police used the Sydney Siege to refuse the annual Homeless Christmas event run by Homeless service provider SWAG Ministries access to Martin Place. Police contacted SWAGs yesterday afternoon to inform them that they would not be given access and that they should cancel the event.
Instead SWAGs have moved the Event to Belmore Park.
The real reason Police and the City of Sydney want the festival out of Martin Place is that they do not want the public to see the numbers of Homeless people who are NOT being helped by the anti homeless authorities despite the massive $600 million plus a year spent by the federal government in the name of homeless people on a flotilla of NGOs and government bodies who squander the funding largely on themselves.
Messiah Fest Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/805262612858145/
Messiah Festival :
Relocated to Belmore Park
4pm-8pm today
Saturday 20th Dec 2014
October 24, 2013
City of Sydney exposing Homeless & Public to needless health risks
The City also forcibly removes tents being used by our Homeless Community to Shelter forcing people to sleep in less healthy conditions exposed to inclement weather.
Street washers, using high powered truck mounted mobile gernis fail to deploy any safety equipment. We have seen members of the public knocked over and sprayed with water as this process is being effected.
The Current Clover Moore Council has lost its lustre in its quest to appease the Citys Elites and Corporate occupants.
We call for an immediate review of all health and safety procedures within Council by an Independent Assessor.
October 20, 2013
July 11, 2013
City of Sydney War on Homeless : Fourth Attack on Sydneys only 24/7 Homeless Support Service.
Today City of Sydney with heavy armed police support stole the resources Occupy Sydney supporters had put in place to feed and keep Sydneys Homeless Community warm and fed especially on cold winter nights.
Occupy Sydney are responding by reestablishing this vital Homeless Community Service as quickly as possible. Will definitely be back up and running tonight.
Blankets Food and 20l plus pots are now our priority. Especially sauces fresh veg meat suitable for soup.
We will not allow Corporate serving Councillor Christine Forster or Mayor Clover Moore the luxury of burying the collateral damage from the Corporate mischiefs they endorse to be buried anonymously out of Sydney City.
Rebuilding is already underway.
Call 0410722000 urgently if you can help with blankets food and resources or just bring to the corner of Martin Place and Elizabeth St. Occupiers and Homeless community rallying there.
April 23, 2013
FREE FOOD for Under-Paid Centrelink Claimants
Since January 1st our Sydney Homeless sites have noticed a marked increase in the numbers of
- Destitute single parents forced into homelessness by callous Federal Government cost cutting measures. Each of these single parents has stated that they have been forced out of their homes due to reductions in income when forcibly transferred from single parenting pensions to the unsustainable Newstart.
- Many Single Newstart Claimants are simply unable to afford the combined cost of Housing Utilities and Food in Sydney. Yet under Newstart parameters if they move where they can afford to live (but there are no jobs) they will have their payments cut.
- While Government at Federal State and Council levels work to disenfranchise and disempower the family as the basic building block of society Sydney Homeless and alliance partners will continue to work to keep families as the basic building block of society.
- A spokesperson for Single Parents is available this week and weekend at Occupy Sydney.