Please tell any homeless people you see in Sydney today
In an act of pure bastardry N.S.W. Police used the Sydney Siege to refuse the annual Homeless Christmas event run by Homeless service provider SWAG Ministries access to Martin Place. Police contacted SWAGs yesterday afternoon to inform them that they would not be given access and that they should cancel the event.
Instead SWAGs have moved the Event to Belmore Park.
The real reason Police and the City of Sydney want the festival out of Martin Place is that they do not want the public to see the numbers of Homeless people who are NOT being helped by the anti homeless authorities despite the massive $600 million plus a year spent by the federal government in the name of homeless people on a flotilla of NGOs and government bodies who squander the funding largely on themselves.
Messiah Fest Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/805262612858145/
Messiah Festival :
Relocated to Belmore Park
4pm-8pm today
Saturday 20th Dec 2014
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