- On 27th January 2010 we counted 1173 persons living without housing in the Sydney City Council area, hereinafter referred to as Sydney City.Each person counted was spoken to,self identified as homeless and gave permission to be included in our count.
- Our count excludes people who reside in "Bomb Shelters" such as Matthew Talbot Hostel or other such institutions.The count was actioned over a 24 hour period from midnight to midnight on the 27th January.
- Our poll was based on a fixed list of questions, with a custom answer option.
- 228 did not wish to participate,and are not included in this count.
These results are taken directly from raw data.A retired Data Analyst with 15+ years Morgan-Gallup polling experience assisted with poll preparation.Our analyst is also present confirming poll results.We acknowledge that our poll did not count an unquantifiable number whose habits we are unaware of.The use of Morgan Gallup name is strictly with reference to our Analyst's previous role, and does not convey any further association- nor that our methodology is based, endorsed on or conforming to Morgan Gallup polling.
- 863 people identified as having been homeless for 3 months or more. 528 identified as having been homeless for 12 months or more.
- 227 were aged 15 or under.Of these 160 were unaccompanied (by a family member).4 of those unaccompanied contacted DOCs helpline, following our explanation of DOCs services.All minors & families had DOCs, Family Court procedures and NGO roles explained to them.188 had zero income support.
- Only 3 Family groups were prepared to work with a Govt supported NGO to resolve homelessness.
- 166 (other than temporary residents) believe they do not qualify for Govt income support.
- 326 were foreign students or temporary residents, with small part time incomes.
- 1242 cited a lack of affordable and appropriate accommodation for their lifestylesGiven reasons include cost, style and location.31 stated that they did not wish to be housed.Of the 31 16 had some form of alternative accommodation.
- 267 said that they had or were currently engaged with a housing related NGO in relation to their current housing needs.
- 269 work 30 hours per week or more.
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